Magnum Static Artwork Topper
A TBG original design with a focus on sleek modern aesthetic as well as ease of use and serviceability. Specifically designed as an EGM/VLT component that interacts with machines to enhance attraction.
Magnum toppers utilise TBG’s Edge-Lit-Panel (ELP) technologies to provide a bright evenly illuminated planar for the artwork.
The ELP has also allowed the Magnum toppers to be thin and lightweight, as well as giving flexibility in design allowing for custom shapes sizes.
All Magnum toppers feature a vivid RGB halo.
Mechanical fittings have been designed to fit to EGM/VLTs, powered directly from the machines power supply/distribution and lighting functions made to interact with machine features.
TBG Low-Cost Video Topper
Video Toppers are now the norm. This has meant increase costs when moving to a video topper from a static artwork topper.
At TBG we have realised that case and have developed a 22″ and 24″ LCD Video Toppers.
Despite being low-cost these toppers do not lack the standard features or quality.
Magnum Video Displays and Toppers
The aim for TBG’s Magnum Video toppers range is to bring the features of the popular Magnum static toppers into a video topper.
The Magnum video Toppers feature the same RGB-Halo-effect surround and a light weight and thin profile that made the Magnum toppers popular. Initially offered in 21.5″ LCD.
TBG now offer screen sizes upto 27″.
The lightweight design has even allowed for a pole mounted variation designed for kiosks and to compliment table games.